About the Journal

The Applied Data Science and Analysis (ADSA) is a scientific journal published by Mesopotamian Academic Press, bearing the ISSN (3005-317X). The journal's primary aim is to publish original and high-quality articles in the field of Cybersecurity, covering both theoretical and applied perspectives.

ADSA operates on a peer-reviewed model and follows an annual publication schedule, with each issue named after the respective publication year (e.g., issue 1 as 2021, issue 2 as 2022, etc.).

Funding for ADSA is provided by Mesopotamian Academic Press.

As a dedicated platform for comprehensive research articles, ADSA encompasses various areas related to a wide range of subjects related to data science and its practical applications. The journal is committed to promoting advancements in these research domains while encouraging scholarly contributions from diverse perspectives.

It is noteworthy that ADSA employs a continuous publication approach. This means that papers are published immediately after receiving editorial acceptance, ensuring swift dissemination of research findings and prompt access to published works for our authors and readers.