Is LiFi Technology Ready for Manufacturing and Adoption? An End-user questionnaire-based study

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Sallar Salam Murad
Rozin Badeel
Rehem A. Ahmed


Because of the exponential development of emerging technologies and the increase of devices that use the internet, the wireless fidelity (WiFi) spectrum has been saturated, therefore, the light fidelity (LiFi) has been under development for wireless communication including internet access. LiFi network systems can provide high speed data rates with high security. However, LiFi is still under development and research, and is not yet popular for end-users to be used in homes, companies, and other industries. Therefore, for the first time, this study investigates the adoption probability of LiFi technology by the end-users to anticipate the success rate when launching ready-to-use LiFi devices for end-users by the manufacturer companies. A well-designed questionnaire is used in this study for data collection. A total of 100 participants from around the world have been chosen to fill-up the questionnaire forms including three phases:  basic information, preferences, and usage, and LiFi and Pricing. The findings of this study show a high and positive probability for adoption rate of LiFi technology. However, the pricing aspect has a critical impact on the acceptance of using LiFi systems by the end-users.


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Murad, S. S., Badeel , R., & Ahmed , R. A. (2024). Is LiFi Technology Ready for Manufacturing and Adoption? An End-user questionnaire-based study. Applied Data Science and Analysis, 2024, 95–107.


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