Peer Review Process
Babylonian Journal of Mathematics (BJM)
All submissions to Babylonian Journal of Mathematics (BJM) are subject to a single-blind peer review process, where the identity of the reviewers is concealed from the authors. The journal utilizes OJS3 (Open Journal Systems 3) to manage the peer review process efficiently.
To ensure the quality and originality of the published content, all papers must contain novel contributions and should not have been previously published or under simultaneous consideration by another academic journal.
Before sending papers to referees, the editorial board verifies alignment with the mission and scope of BJM.
Each submission is assigned to two independent referees for evaluation. The single-blind review ensures reviewer identities remain undisclosed to authors, while authors' identities are known to reviewers.
If a referee provides negative feedback, the paper will be reevaluated by another referee. A second negative feedback will result in rejection.
Authors may receive corrections or suggestions from referees and are required to revise their papers within the prescribed timeframe before a final publication decision is made.
To withdraw a submission, authors must submit a written request to the editorial board.
Authors are responsible for adhering to BJM's writing and style guidelines to maintain the quality of their submissions.
BJM does not pay any copyright fees to authors for published papers.