Assessment of Changes in The Characteristics of Motor Oils in Grain Harvest Engines

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D. A. Y. Al Saadi
V. V. Ostrikov


The period of use of grain harvesters is short and amounts to 1.5 – 3 months a year. The operating time of the internal combustion engine most often does not exceed 200 hours. At the same time, engines operate in harsh conditions of high temperatures, significant loads, and high dust levels in the air. As has been established, the engines of domestic combines and combines of the Republic of Belarus use M-10G2 and M-10DM motor oils.


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How to Cite
Al Saadi , D. A. Y., & Ostrikov , V. V. (2024). Assessment of Changes in The Characteristics of Motor Oils in Grain Harvest Engines. Babylonian Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2024, 7–11.