Gait Recognition by Computing Fixed Body Parameters

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Kassim Mohammed Awad
Lamia Faris Tulaib
Hadeel M Saleh


Biometrics is a very important science, especially in recent years. This science was used to identify people based on their physical and behavioral characteristics. Gaiting is a behavioral characteristic that arises from the feeling that a person close to us can be identified even from a distance simply by recognizing how the person walks. The main advantage of gait recognition is that they are hidden and unnoticed. People can be identified from a distance. This paper implement Using computing fixed Body Parameters in the gait recognition. Computing fixed Body Parameters techniques has the advantage of being less sensitive to gait variance. The data captured manually from 50 persons, and the system can identify about   (50 )% from the number of persons.


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How to Cite
Awad , K. M., Tulaib , L. F., & Saleh , H. M. (2024). Gait Recognition by Computing Fixed Body Parameters. Babylonian Journal of Networking, 2024, 191–197.