Peer Review Process
All submissions to Applied Data Science and Analysis (ADSA) journal will be subject to a single-blind peer review process, where the identity of the reviewers is concealed from the authors. The journal utilizes Clarivate ScholarOne to manage the peer review process efficiently.
To ensure the quality and originality of the published content, all papers are expected to have novel contributions and should not have been previously published or under simultaneous consideration by another academic journal.
Submissions can be made through the online submission system at:

Before the papers are sent to the referees, the editorial board will first check if they align with the mission and scope of ADSA.
Upon submission, each paper is assigned to a minimum of two independent referees for evaluation and feedback. The single-blind peer review process ensures that the reviewer identities remain undisclosed to the authors, while the authors' identities are known to the reviewers.

In case one of the referees provides a negative feedback on a paper, it will be reevaluated by another referee. If the paper receives a negative feedback from the new referee as well, it will not be accepted for publication in ADSA.
Authors may receive corrections or suggestions from the referees, and they are required to make necessary revisions within the prescribed time frame before the final decision on publication is made.
Authors who wish to withdraw their paper from consideration for publication in ADSA must submit a written request to the editorial board.
It is the responsibility of the authors to adhere to ADSA's writing and style guidelines to ensure the overall writing quality of their papers.
ADSA does not pay any copyright fees to authors for published papers.