Improved GIS-T model for finding the shortest paths in graphs

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Raed Abdulkareem Hasan
Mustafa Mahmood Akawee
Tole Sutikno


A system of models and methods is proposed for the stated problem, which is the development of software for searching the shortest paths in graphs. These models and methods are based on a comparative analysis of various types of geographic information system-transportation (GIS-T) and optimization methods that pertain to searching for the shortest paths in a graph. The goal of this research is to find a solution to the problem. The fundamental ideas behind GIS-T and computational geometry (CG), in addition to the approach of combinatorial optimization, were utilized in this endeavor. Compilation of the newly developed software takes place in the Java Eclipse development environment. Examples of graphic interfaces and potential solutions are used to illustrate its capabilities in relation to the quest for the shortest routes possible within the confines of a particular geographic area. The compiled geographic information system (GIS) tool known as "route" determines the routes that are the shortest distance between existing settlements as well as those that have been defined by the user. In addition to this, it enables the problem to be solved in circumstances in which certain roads become inoperable or certain settlements may be reached via the specified field roads.


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How to Cite
Raed Abdulkareem Hasan, Mustafa Mahmood Akawee, & Tole Sutikno. (2023). Improved GIS-T model for finding the shortest paths in graphs. Babylonian Journal of Machine Learning, 2023, 7–16.