Data Analysis of An Exploring the Information Systems Success Factors for Early Warning Systems Adoption

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Waleed A Hammood
Omar Abdulmaged Hammood
Salah A. Aliesawi
Ejiro U. Osiobe
Raed Abdulkareem Hasan
Safia Malallah
Dina Hassan Abbas


Naturally occurring floods are an essential part of life in many parts of the world. Floods, of all the natural dangers, have the greatest effect on society because they cover large geographic regions, happen often, and have a lasting negative socioeconomic impact. Thus, it becomes necessary to design a comprehensive and successful strategy for preventing floods, which will require technical advancements to improve the operational efficacy of government organizations. The Flood Early Warning and Response System (FEWRS), which gives pertinent stakeholders fast information and practical reaction guidelines, emerges as a critical instrument in reducing the loss of lives and property. Unfortunately, current FEWRS frequently fall short of providing enough information on flood disasters, which reduces their ability to mitigate local-level effects and impedes attempts to save lives. Assessing the effectiveness of information systems (IS) within this particular setting is a noteworthy obstacle for scholars, professionals, and administrators. The objective of this research is to tackle this difficulty by exploring the factors that lead to the success of FEWRS. This involves incorporating risk knowledge and response capabilities into the standard IS success model. The present study employs the DeLone and McLean (D&M) models due to their efficaciousness in meeting the designated requirements that are essential for mitigating the impact of flooding disasters.


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How to Cite
Hammood, W. A., Hammood , O. A., Aliesawi, S. A., Osiobe , E. U., Hasan, R. A., Malallah , S., & Abbas , D. H. (2024). Data Analysis of An Exploring the Information Systems Success Factors for Early Warning Systems Adoption . Babylonian Journal of Machine Learning, 2024, 102–111.