Analysis and prediction of rainfall using support vector machine (SVM) in the city of Najaf

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H. K. Al-Mahdawi
Hussein Alkattan
Alhumaima Ali Subhi
Haider Flaiyih Al-hadrawi
Mostafa Abotaleb
Ghassan K. Ali
Maad M. Mijwil
Al-Sayed K. Towfeek
Amr Hosny Helal


This study depends on the utilize of Support Vector Machine (SVM) method to analyze and predict monthly rainfall in Najaf city, Iraq over the past ten a long time. Support Vector Machine is one of the foremost imperative instruments in classifying and analyzing information in multiple areas, counting climate and climate data investigation. The Climatic Inquire about Unit (CRU) information traversing the a long time 1901 to 2022 were utilized to analyze and foresee monthly rainfall. The comes about appeared shifting precision in predicting between distinctive months, as there were expansive contrasts between the anticipated and real values in a few months such as April, whereas the predict were more exact in other months such as March.


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How to Cite
Al-Mahdawi, H. K., Alkattan, H., Subhi , A. A., Al-hadrawi, H. F., Abotaleb, M., Ali, G. K., Mijwil, M. M., Towfeek, A.-S. K., & Helal, A. H. (2023). Analysis and prediction of rainfall using support vector machine (SVM) in the city of Najaf. Babylonian Journal of Machine Learning, 2023, 46–54.