AI-Powered Anomaly Detection for Kubernetes Security: A Systematic Approach to Identifying Threats

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Arvind Kumar Bhardwaj
P.K. Dutta
Pradeep Chintale


This study delves into the intricacies of AI-based threat detection in Kubernetes security, with a specific focus on its role in identifying anomalous behavior. By harnessing the power of AI algorithms, vast amounts of telemetry data generated by Kubernetes clusters can be analyzed in real-time, enabling the identification of patterns and anomalies that may signify potential security threats or system malfunctions. The implementation of AI-based threat detection involves a systematic approach, encompassing data collection, model training, integration with Kubernetes orchestration platforms, alerting mechanisms, and continuous monitoring. AI-powered threat detection offers numerous advantages, including predictive threat detection, increased accuracy and scalability, shorter response times, and the ability to adapt to evolving threats. However, it also presents challenges, such as ensuring data quality, managing model complexity, mitigating false positives, addressing resource requirements, and maintaining security and privacy standards.  The proposed AI-powered anomaly detection framework for Kubernetes security demonstrated significant improvements in threat identification and mitigation. Through real-time analysis of telemetry data and leveraging advanced AI algorithms, the system accurately identified over 92% of simulated security threats and anomalies across various Kubernetes clusters. Additionally, the integration of automated alerting mechanisms and response protocols reduced the average response time by 67%, enabling rapid containment of potential breaches.


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How to Cite
Bhardwaj, A. K., Dutta , P., & Chintale , P. (2024). AI-Powered Anomaly Detection for Kubernetes Security: A Systematic Approach to Identifying Threats. Babylonian Journal of Machine Learning, 2024, 142–148.