Efficient Coherent Trust based Location Aware Clustering for Communication in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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Ali Alsalamy
Nejood F. Abdulsattar
Dheyaa Abdulameer Mohammed


Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) are the emerging technology for communication and it is used in maximum of the application hence it is noticed by the academic and industrial sectors. Due to the mobile nature of the nodes in MANETs it is complicated to transfer the ecological information. During communication in maximum of the cases link failures and high energy consumption occurred. In order to overcome this issues clustering techniques are introduced in earlier days which is the group of nodes into cluster and each cluster consists of a cluster head (CH) and the other nodes which are present in that coverage area is termed as cluster members (CM). Due to this method the energy efficiency of the network is increased but the current drawback is selection of effective CH. Improper CH selection reflects in ineffective communication. For that purpose in this paper Efficient Coherent Trust based Location Aware Clustering (ECTLAC) approach is proposed for the selection of CH in MANETs. The approach is sub divided into two sections. They are effective coherent trust calculation and location aware clustering. Through this process an effective CH is chosen the greatly increase the performance of MANETs. The simulation is performed in NS2 and the parameters which are calculated for the performance analysis are energy efficiency, energy consumption, packet delivery ratio, and end-to-end delay. The results are compared with the earlier approaches such as HAMBO and CAPIC. From the results it is understood that the proposed ECTLAC approach produce high energy efficiency and packet delivery ratio as well as lower energy consumption and end to end delay when compared with the earlier works.



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How to Cite
Ali Alsalamy, Nejood F. Abdulsattar, & Dheyaa Abdulameer Mohammed. (2022). Efficient Coherent Trust based Location Aware Clustering for Communication in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. Mesopotamian Journal of CyberSecurity, 2022, 65–73. https://doi.org/10.58496/MJCS/2022/008