Improved Blockchain Technique based on Modified SLIM Algorithm for Cyber Security

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Sarah Mohammed Shareef
Rehab Flaih Hassan


The number of cybersecurity incidents is increasing, and the cost of a security breach has a catastrophic financial effect. The existing real estate information systems require more robust and resilient cybersecurity solutions to secure hardware, software, and databases. Cybersecurity often relies on user behavior. Phishing attacks and social engineering can bypass blockchain security, highlighting the need for robust user education and awareness. Many blockchain networks face challenges in handling a high volume of transactions. Solutions that work well on a small scale may not perform efficiently as the network grows, leading to delays and increased costs. A secure system is a significant area in cybersecurity that protects digital transactions from unauthorized access. This paper proposes a new real estate transaction encryption scheme using the modified SLIM cryptography algorithm in the context of blockchain based on a 2Dimension Chialvo map with high nonlinearity generation of the substitution box (S-Box) to make it robust against many linear attacks, which is a novel approach to enhancing transaction speed and security. Modifying lightweight SLIM cryptography is highly resistant to linear and differential cryptanalysis attacks, providing adequate protection. The modified lightweight SLIM cryptography applies to wireless networks, IoT applications, and real estate systems. The performance analysis of the blockchain shows that it completes transactions in a short time of approximately 29.368877 in milliseconds and satisfies the Bit Independence Criterion (BIC) and Hamming Distance (HD) tests above 50%, the new hash will be regarded as good and trustworthy. The performance analysis of the proposed S-Box shows that it has high nonlinearity and satisfies the Strict Avalanche Criteria (SAC), BIC, balanced, and low linearity/differential probability. In addition, the strength and randomness of the random number generators are analyzed via a set of tests and guidelines provided by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) tests (approximately 97%) to ensure that the generated random data are sufficiently unpredictable and suitable for cryptographic applications.

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Improved Blockchain Technique based on Modified SLIM Algorithm for Cyber Security (S. M. . Shareef & R. F. . Hassan , Trans.). (2025). Mesopotamian Journal of CyberSecurity, 5(1), 147-164.


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