The Purpose of Cybersecurity Governance in the Digital Transformation of Public Services and Protecting the Digital Environment
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As it tries to incorporate computer-based technology into the public services provided by businesses or organisations, the digital transformation process is currently regarded one of the most prominent topics in circulation. Establishing fundamentals and points is necessary for digital transformation, as is relying on a specific set of employee talents and actively incorporating customers in the process's evolution. Cybersecurity has become an increasingly important issue for governments and businesses worldwide, and this shift towards digital services is a top priority for all of them. Accelerating the digital transformation process and the usage of its services are the vulnerabilities to cyberspace, the advancement of technology and gadgets, and the employment of artificial intelligence in the development of current apps. In order to build cybersecurity governance that can be relied upon and is useful in accomplishing duties without hacking and tampering with data and information, it is necessary to implement simple programmes and tactics. This article emphasises the significance of cybersecurity governance in delivering secure and efficient technical means that can meet all risks and challenges and protect persons' data across all industries.
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