Transaction Security and Management of Blockchain-Based Smart Contracts in E-Banking-Employing Microsegmentation and Yellow Saddle Goatfish
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The process security of money transactions is considered an important issue in e-banking. Additionally, it is an enormous problem if never controlled. particular, security should be a combination of fast and sturdy characteristics, which is the subject of previous studies suffered from. Our research attempts to improve the system in which banks deal with the security of financial transactions. This research leverages the idea of microsegmenting the entire system into designated zones to concentrate on security, where each zone has its own rules and limitations. These rules are managed by a smart contract, which decides whether they have been observed to verify the legitimacy of the customer. First, the two-phase commit algorithm (2PC) was used to specify the type of e-banking request. After this, the microsegmentation principle was applied to isolate each type of e-transaction process alone in a separate segment. Then, the yellow saddle goatfish algorithm (YSGA) was used to determine whether the smart contract conditions were optimized. Finally, if the customer is authorized, then the entire transaction process is saved in the blockchain's main ledger and secured by a unique hash. The blockchain application makes our system capable of dealing with large numbers of users in a decentralized manner. In addition, using a hash with each block prevents fraudulent transactions by adversaries. Our system has been examined against several recent well-known assaults/attacks, such as falsification, advanced persistent threat, bribery, spoofing, double spending, chosen text, race, and transaction replay attacks, and has proven to overcome them. In terms of the performance evaluation, we obtained an execution time of approximately 0.0056 nanoseconds, 3.75% complexity, and 1500 KB of memory and disk drive, which is considered low compared to that of state-of-the-art research. Thus, our proposed system is highly acceptable for banking sector applications.
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