This issue has been available online since 10th January 2024 for the regular issue of 2024. All articles in this issue (18 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by 65 authors from 14 countries, showcasing a diverse and global collaboration of research excellence.

Countries Represented

Iraq IRQ India IND Malaysia MYS Iran IRN Egypt EGY Nigeria NGA China CHN Azerbaijan AZE Greece GRC Saudi Arabia SAU Russia RUS Australia AUS Ghana GHA Yemen YEM

Published: 2024-12-15

System design and implementation of an IoT electronic pulse sphygmomanometer

Yitong Niu, Haiyang Wang, Vugar Abdullayevdep-t, Israa Ibraheem Al_Barazanchi

1- 9

A Brief Review of Big Data in Healthcare: Challenges and Issues, Recent Developments, and Future Directions

Ahmed Adil Nafea, Russel R Majeed , Ashour Ali , Ahmed Jumaah Yas, Saeed Amer Alameri , Mohammed M AL-Ani


Impact of IoT-Based Environmental Monitoring on Lab Safety and Sustainability

Nadia Mahmoud Hussein , Yasmin Makki Mohialden, Saba Abdulbaqi Salman


Empowering Aquarists a Comprehensive Study On IOT-Enabled Smart Aquarium Systems For Remote Monitoring And Control

M.Sahaya Sheela, S.Ravi Chand, S. Gopalakrishnan, Shruti Bhargava choubey, M Gopianand, J.Jasmine Hephzipah


System Development and Assessment For Road Vehicles Speed Detection Using GSM

M.Sahaya Sheela, S. Gopalakrishnan, Venkata Anjani Kumar G, I.Parvin Begum, M. Gopianand, J. Jasmine Hephzipah


Analyzing and Comparing Global Sustainability Standards: LEED, BREEAM, and PBRS in Green Building arch article topic

Noah Mohammed Saleh , Ali Mohammed Saleh, , Raed A. Hasan , Jafar Keighobadi, Omer Khalil Ahmed, Zeyad K. Hamad


CNN- based intrusion detection software for network operating system environment

Sundos A. Hameed Alazawi , Huda Abdulaali Abdulbaqi , Ahmed Hussein Ali


RNN-Based Framework for IoT Healthcare Security for Improving Anomaly Detection and System Integrity

S. Rajaprakash, C. Bagath Basha , M. Nithya , K. Karthik , Nitisha Aggarwal , S. Kayathri


Construction a virtual central network for all Iraq's fire station

Wasnaa Hadi Ghasab, Ahmed Adnan Hadi , Alaa.G.K. Alshami , Ahmed Dheyaa Radhi, Rusul Mansoor Al-Amri, Ayad Hameed Mousa
