This issue has been available online since 10th January 2023 for the regular issue of 2023. All articles in this issue (17 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by 45 authors from 18 countries.

Countries Represented

Iraq IRQ Nigeria NGA India IND Lebanon LBN USA USA France FRA Morocco MAR Uganda UGA Russia RUS Egypt EGY Jordan JOR Mexico MEX Turkey TUR Australia AUS Malaysia MYS Saudi Arabia SAU Ghana GHA Nepal NPL

Published: 2023-12-15

Artificial Intelligence Solutions for Health 4.0: Overcoming Challenges and Surveying Applications

Abdel-Hameed Al-Mistarehi, Maad M. Mijwil, Youssef Filali, Mariem Bounabi, Guma Ali, Mostafa Abotaleb


Artificial intelligence in Corneal Topography: A Short Article in Enhancing Eye Care

Guma Ali, Marwa M. Eid, Omar G. Ahmed, Mostafa Abotaleb, Anas M. Zein Alaabdin, Bosco Apparatus Buruga


Artificial Intelligence's Significance in Diseases with Malignant Tumours

Ruchi Doshi, Kamal Kant Hiran, Murat Gök, El-Sayed M. El-kenawy, Amr Badr, Mostafa Abotaleb


Exploring New Horizons: Surgical Robots Supported by Artificial Intelligence

Aish Hussein, Mohamed Elsayed Sallam, Mohamed Yehia Ahmed Abdalla


An Overview of the Evolution and Impact of Chatbots in Modern Healthcare Services

Ankar Tersoo Catherine, S. K. Towfek, Abdelaziz A. Abdelhamid
