Surah An-Naml, verses 1-6, study and analysis

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Imad Kareem Hamad
Salam Abood Hassan
Sarah Fani


The sciences of the Holy Qur’an are the most noble of sciences. As it is linked to the holiest book, which is the glorious Book of God, and the science of interpretation is one of the most important sciences of the Holy Qur’an, and the interpretation of the Holy Qur’an has many forms and various sections, including analytical, objective, indicative, jurisprudential, and archaeological... and these types have existed since the early days. Due to the emergence of the science of interpretation, it did not crystallize and its features were not defined except in later eras, when scholars divided interpretation and explained the approaches of interpreters in it, and the science of analytical interpretation is one of the most important and famous of these divisions. Many commentators - ancient and recent - considered it their approach in their interpretations, such as Al-Zamakhshari, Al-Razi, Al-Alusi, Al-Zuhayli and others, and I chose this type of interpretation as a method for writing this research.

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How to Cite

Surah An-Naml, verses 1-6, study and analysis (I. K. Hamad, Salam Abood Hassan, & Sarah Fani , Trans.). (2022). Mesopotamian Journal of Quran Studies, 2022, 25-35.