Optimizing Space Effeciency in Small Dwellings: A Study of Interior Design Strategies and Solutions

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Karam Raad Abdulkareem NAWRES


This research focuses on the challenges faced by residents of small homes in Baghdad, Iraq, and what they need to maximize space, protect cultural heritage, and advance sustainability. Through an examination of international interior design approaches, culturally sensitive solutions, efficacy, and practical advice, the study seeks to solve challenges. The concept, literature review, questionnaire creation and distribution, data analysis and discussion, and integration of a case study are the six steps of the quantitative methodology that will be used in this study. We'll look at the subject of tiny homes and the social and psychological effects of living in a small place. The trend of smaller homes in Iraq will be discussed in this essay, along with a case study that offers an engineering solution to optimize space in a compact house. The results of the case study and questionnaire, along with the participant perspectives and the applied design interventions, will be shared. In order to wrap up the study, recommendations will be made for more research in the following areas: comparative studies, public awareness and education, interdisciplinary collaboration, long-term impact assessment, cultural preservation, sustainable materials and practices, accessibility and inclusivity, and policy recommendations.

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How to Cite

Optimizing Space Effeciency in Small Dwellings: A Study of Interior Design Strategies and Solutions (K. R. A. NAWRES & E. ONBAY , Trans.). (2024). Mesopotamian Journal of Civil Engineering, 2024, 10-14. https://doi.org/10.58496/MJCE/2024/002